My ENG showed that my left ear has lost 96% of measurable balance function. I've only lost 45% of my hearing in that ear however.The doctor said that was very interesting and that she doesn't usually see such a high loss of balance vs hearing.
My right ear is still 100% on both hearing and balance.I was very surprised at how much balance function has been destroyed, as I am really compensating very well and didn't think that much was gone! I am continuing at my vestibular rehab and really hope to strengthen that compensation even more.
The ENG did make me dizzy of course during the test, but I didn't have an attack afterward, I was just generally unsteady for a little while.I got the tube put in my ear for Meniett and I start the device tomorrow morning. Don't really know what to expect. I assume that even though I've lost almost all of my balance function that MM could still cause vertigo attacks in the bad ear, and hopefully the Meniett will help me preserve the hearing I have left.
And of course, I've explained to my right ear that going bilateral, would really not help me out, and have asked it as nicely as possible to try not to do that...