Thursday, April 21, 2005

First Post = Links!

Here is a post of something I posted elsewhere... but it has my favoirte Meniere's links on it.

I have Meniere's Disease in my left ear. This is a disorder that causes me to have attacks of dizziness, and to go gradually deaf in the affected hear. Right now I have about 5 - 10 severe attacks a year that cause me to be unable to walk for a few hours because I am so dizzy and often cause vomiting as well. They pass, and then I am vaguely back to normal, but I am now about 50% deaf in my bad ear. I have light to moderate attacks occasionally as well.

So here you go. My favorite general Meniere's sites where you can learn what the disease, current treatments etc is - Truly one of the best sites on the disease around. GREAT LINKS to every possible avenue of research and treatment currently being tried. They can lead you to research articles, books, and other resources as well. This is THE place to start if you have the disease. - Good site, good message board. - Organized non profit for vestibular disorders. Good resource for ordering printed literature regarding Meniere's, including low sodium cookbooks. - Good recipes - More common but still controversial treatment for Meniere's. Go to above for links to research papers on this treatement. - My doctor, plus a good link to look over the House Ear Clinic, which is a major research site for Meniere's.

And of course THE discussion group for Meniere's Disease :-)Feel free to contact me through posting a comment to ask any other questions you may have.
