Thursday, June 09, 2005

Treatment Steps for Unilateral MM - A Summary

The PDF file located HERE is intended as a basic summation of the traditional steps of treatment for unilateral (in one ear only) Meniere's Disease. The steps included do not list alternative treatments such as accupuncture etc...

This resource is intended as a discussion point you can bring with you to your doctor, and is not intended as a complete list of ALL available treatments, just the most common.

Visit http://www.menieresinfo.comfor more information on Meniere's and the steps presented here. Visit to find a community of folks to discuss these options with.

Bilateral patients may also follow many of these steps, but their path of treatment may vary depending on the severity of their symptoms. I feel bilateral patients will still find a lot of value in reading and considering the steps presented.

This document is open to discussion. I'd love to hear feedback on it so I can improve it. Is there something you consider crucial that is missing? What is it? Do you think something shouldn't have been included? Why?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section of this post.