Links sprinkled throughout!
Sometimes, Meniere's disease is aggravated or even caused by inflammation and/or autoimmune disorders. For example an autoimmune issue (similar to autoimmune inner ear disorder, AIED) can lead to Meniere's symptoms or help to act as a cause for hydrops (the main thing that often causes Menieres symptoms Hydrops refers to excess fluid in the inner ear). In those patients where autoimmune issues are suspected as a trigger or even a primary cause of ear symptoms, steroids are often prescribed either orally or through direct application as an inner ear injection. Allergic reactions to airborne pollens, or to foods can also cause an inflammatory response. Autoimmune issues are not always the cause of Meniere's disease - there are several paths suspected that can lead someone to get the symptoms collectively known as Meniere's.
Thus two front line treatments for Meniere's that many NeuroToligists try is allergy mitigation and steroid treatments. Unfortunately, for many people this does very little to help as inflammation is not a primary cause of their particular hydrops issue that causes Meniere's symptoms.
Steroids are always worth a shot (pun intended) though. Especially if you are having a time where you are having a LOT of attacks, it can be helpful for the Dr to see if the steroids help you. If you are very responsive to the steroid, it can suggest that perhaps a diagnosis of AIED is more appropriate (especially if your primary issues are with hearing and NOT vertigo), or that exploring autoimmune testing and issues with this patient is warranted to reduce frequency and severity of attacks (they are unlikely to cause them to cease all together.)
It doesn't help everyone though. Meniere's may have several different causes that all result in the same symptoms, in other words - that cause hydrops. A poor functioning endolymphatic sac, which is a primary culprit in hydrops caused vertigo can be caused by getting a herpes virus as a child (for example chicken pox), a genetic causation that causes a small deformity in the sac, etc...
All this is still a bit up in the air, that is why there are a # of different treatment paths to try and go down to see what helps you. Relevant links in the next comment. Whew! Thanks for letting me right all that! For what's worth, I am NOT a Dr (nor do I play one on tv) but I do a lot of research on the disease and have had it for 14 years. And have had looooong talks with some of the top Neurotoligists in the country (only occasionally against their will, LOL) Attached here is a common ladder of treatment I see (I created the image)
Here is one leading NeuroTologist's opinion on these treatments:
Link to Dr. Tim Hain's breakdown of why steroid shots are tried here:
Picture is of the "ladder of treatment" often used for Meniere's. MUCH BASIC INFO HERE